Focus HSE Consultancy LTD


Essential Fire Periodic Controls

Essential Fire Periodic Controls

As responsible business owners, it’s crucial to establish and maintain a regular fire periodic control routine to minimize fire hazards and keep your workplace safe. Here are some essential fire periodic controls that you should follow and record in your business:

Fire Extinguisher Inspections: Conduct regular inspections of your fire extinguishers to ensure they are in proper working condition. Check for visible damages, pressure levels, and expiration dates. Record the inspection dates and any maintenance or replacements performed.

Emergency Exit Checks: Inspect all emergency exits, including doors, pathways, and exit signs. Ensure they are unobstructed, well-lit, and easy to access. Regularly test emergency lighting and exit signs to ensure they function correctly. Record inspection dates and any corrective actions taken.

Electrical System Assessments: Periodically inspect your electrical systems, including wiring, outlets, and appliances. Look for signs of wear, overheating, or exposed wires. Engage a qualified electrician to perform thorough inspections, and record the dates and findings of each assessment.

Fire Alarm System Testing: Test your fire alarm system regularly to ensure it functions properly. This includes checking alarm audibility, smoke detectors, and manual call points. Record the test dates, results, and any necessary maintenance or repairs.

Staff Training Updates: Conduct regular fire safety training sessions for your employees. Review evacuation procedures, fire prevention measures, and proper usage of firefighting equipment. Keep records of training sessions, including attendance and topics covered.

Fire Safety Plan Reviews: Review and update your fire safety plan at least annually or whenever significant changes occur in your business. Ensure it reflects current regulations, emergency contact information, and evacuation routes. Record the dates of plan reviews and any modifications made.

Remember, these periodic controls are crucial for maintaining a safe workplace and reducing the risk of fire incidents. By following and documenting these measures, you demonstrate your commitment to fire safety and ensure compliance with regulations.

Ensure Safety in Your Business!